The Key Phrase Being “Working”

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The internet revolutionized about a billion facets of modern life…obviously… one of those facets was how customers interacted with businesses. The internet allowed a business to create a new best salesperson

The Website.

Now the modern website is more than a salesperson to a business, it is a medium in which to exchange payments, a place to spread news and a hub to aggregate reviews and other such data among many other things. But let’s focus on the sales side of things, because that’s what this article is about. Now you may currently have a website with some basic information and it is a great salesperson right? This salesperson:

  • Never Sleeps
  • Never Takes Vacation
  • Always Sells What You Tell it to

This terrific evolution has allowed a customer to be sold on your brand while you’re sleeping, while you’re on vacation, while you’re conducting other business.

And it is great!

But now we’re in the second decade of the new millennium and websites can do more than serve some static ads and that’s where MethodPet Pet Grooming Software comes in.

Setting aside really advanced technologies like neural networks, machine learning or algorithms only the men and women at MIT could decipher, there are a lot of really neat things web applications can do now days to actively work for you.

(speaking of Machine Learning, we are working on a few things :) )

we’re in the second decade of the new millennium and websites can do more than serve some static ads

But is Your Pet Grooming Software Working for You?

Does your current pet grooming software capable of recommending add ons or products to both your clients AND your groomers?

MethodPet Grooming Software add on suggestion screenshot

Our grooming app can identify popular add ons and products and serve up suggestions based on breed or service type!

We’ve found this invaluable when it comes to reminding our groomers out in the field that there could be extra services this client may want, providing social signals to clients that other clients bought and enjoyed these recommended add ons or products as well as show clients these recommendations on their client dashboard.

In our article titled “Increase add ons by 40% or more”, we showed that with these suggestions and reminders – add ons sales (and products if you have them) increased tremendously.

These recommendations come at the time of appointment booking, when in the client ticket area and in the client dashboard.

We’re letting our MethodPet Pet Grooming Software work for you, even if you aren’t there!